During hard financial times such as these, you want to be extra diligent about investments and making sure you’re putting your money in the right places. While investing in commercial real estate has the potential to be expensive, there are many reasons why it’s a wise investment, especially when you work with a skilled and knowledgeable commercial real estate group in Chicago such as Frontline Real Estate Partners.
High Profit Potential
Simply put, the best reason to invest in CRE is because it has a high income potential. Since commercial real estate properties are often much more expensive than residential real estate, you will most likely be making much more in returns each month.
Less Competitive
Commercial real estate has seen a downward trend in competition in 2020, meaning that the dollar volume was much lower in the third quarter. This means that finding a fairly priced piece of commercial real estate will be much easier, with less competition and less pressure in the market. Residential real estate is especially competitive right now, which is all the more reason to focus on CRE.
Slower Turnover
Typically, residential apartment tenants sign a lease for about a year at a time. On the other hand, commercial real estate properties are usually signed for about three years at a time, minimum. This reduces the hassle of having to find new tenants each year and ensures you have steadier business and less surprises.
Better hours
With commercial real estate, you most likely work when your tenants work, meaning when 5pm rolls around and the tenants most likely go home, you probably won’t have to deal with anything else. Unlike residential properties where you might have to deal with someone getting locked out at night or an alarm going off or a toilet overflowing, with commercial properties, you most likely won’t have to worry about those factors in odd hours of the night or weekend.
Finding the Right Agent
When it comes to buying and investing in commercial real estate, you want to make sure you’re working with the best of the best to ensure your process is as seamless as possible and that you have access to the best properties at the best prices. At Frontline Real Estate Partners, we pride ourselves off being a superior property management team in Chicago. Call today or explore our website to see how we can help you find your ideal commercial property.